Located in Pana, IL

Fun Facts About Bowling and Fitness


At Pana Bowl, there's a bowling league for every age group. Bowling isn't like a lot of other sports — when the team bowls, everyone plays! No one sits on the bench!

Bring in the kids and have some fun. Bowling provides great exercise, and we have a fun, friendly atmosphere. There are even college scholarships for bowling, so come in tonight and see what's new.

Nightly Leagues in the Fall and Winter

As the winter chill rolls in and outdoor activities wind down, it's time to visit Pana Bowl and join one of our competitive leagues. We offer a variety of nightly leagues during the fall and winter months, including men's, women's, and mixed leagues.

League Meeting Schedule


  • Monday Night Mixed (any combination) — AUGUST 15TH @ 7:30 PM
  • Tuesday Night Women —                                 AUGUST 16TH @ 7 PM
  • Wednesday Night Men—                                  AUGUST 17TH @ 7 PM
  • Thursday Morning Women                         AUGUST 18TH @ 9 AM
  • Thursday Night Men —                                     AUGUST 18TH @ 7 PM
  • Friday Night Mixed (any combination) —   AUGUST 19TH @ 7 PM

For more information about joining one of our leagues, please call us at 217-562-3414.

Open Bowling

Pana Bowl
1306 Jackson St. | Pana, IL 62557